Bird Watching

I’ve officially started my quilt journey with Jaybird Quilts.  And boy, it looks like I’m gonna journey pretty far.

I’ve mentioned before that I received the Gravity kit at Christmas 2017 (very excited) but, in all honesty, it’s a pretty intimidating quilt.  I know a few fabulous quilters who have made Gravity and they all say I will have no problem with it.  I don’t doubt them but still….it’s a huge quilt that requires precision and special rules to make.  I need to work my way up to it especially since I’d never used a Jaybird ruler before.

So I started my journey with small steps – Gazebo.  A 20″ x 23″ table topper.  Quite a few things surprised me with this project.  First, I didn’t buy any fabric (well, I went “shopping” in Momma Bear’s stash), and the only solid is the grey! Shocking right?

Gazebo - Jaybird Quilts

Second (more importantly), this pattern uses the Hex N More ruler which is so. simple. to. use. Oh. My. Lanta. The ruler looks very complicated with lines everywhere but once you start using it, it becomes very clear and simple.  Every piece just fits together beautifully.  There are no y seams (to be honest, I’m not really sure what a “y seam” is but I don’t hear very good things about them).

Hex N More ruler

I loved how this came together and it only took an afternoon to complete the top – from cutting to the last seam.  Now I’ve handed it off to Momma Bear for some ruler quilting.  I’ll most likely post a picture on my instagram when it’s completely finished.

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